Intelligent transportation system

Give priority to public transport

Mobility is a topic at the heart of the concerns of local authorities. The more a territory concentrates resources and jobs, the more people need reliable, regular and extensive transportation. Aware of this reality, Ceccli is positioning itself as one of the key players in the evolution of Intelligent Transport Systems by designing powerful tools and solutions in complete adequacy with user expectations and requests from network operators.
These tools make it possible to promote alternatives to the individual vehicle and to ensure a more convenient transportation, more ecological and safer, while helping to find a better organization of inter and multimodality.

“Systèmes Intelligents de Transport” is also known as intelligent mobility

The tools developed by Ceccli contribute to the deployment of intelligent mobility :

Technologies involved in smart mobility

The panel of technologies involved in the progress of intelligent mobility is very broad. Among these technologies, Ceccli is a pioneer in its use and it is perfectly able to integrate them with other existing systems: